
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Celebrate The Fact That Life Affects You Deeply

It’s important to acknowledge that an introvert’s brain functions differently than the brains of extroverts. Different levels of thinking (deeply rather than surface) happen in different parts of the brain. PET scans have shown that introverts spend more time in the part of the brain that thinks deeply (accessing memory, problem solving)…pathways to that part require different neurotransmitters. It turns out that introverts also have a greater sensitivity to dopamine, the neurotransmitter that gives thrill seekers their ‘high’. Thrill seekers (often extroverts) love the dopamine rush. So an introverted thrill-seeker can feel at odds with them self biologically and emotionally.

Introvert’s brains are already highly active due to the way they process their thoughts. Add to that their sensitivity to dopamine, and it’s no wonder that introverts need plenty of downtime. The world is an exciting place…the best way to handle the excitement for an introvert is to monitor their exposure to it. Plan for it. Know that you will probably experience overload in new and exciting activities, and have strategies in place that will allow you to balance your energy as often as needed.

So to all introverts: Celebrate the fact that life affects you deeply…enjoy your rich inner journey and feed your natural tendencies to retreat to your quiet zone. Life is an adventure no matter how you experience it.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Friends I've Never Met!

For some time I've been dreaming of an adventure involving my new Facebook friends. Wouldn't it be fun to go and visit as many friends as I can? The friends I'm talking about are the new ones that I've developed strictly through Facebook - and I can tell you from my heart that they feel like really good friends to me. We have communicated via status updates, comments, private messages, personal e-mails and Skype. I often find myself referring to a 'friend' that is strictly a Facebook friend...part of me is a bit chagrined at that, but the other part of me really feels the true friend connection with these special people.

So my curiosity asks, how much of our core personality comes through in our status updates? I think mine have been genuine and authentic, and I think the many that I have connected with have been too. So maybe, just maybe, a grand adventure would be to travel to as many cities and locales that I can and just spend some quality time visiting...face to face.

I can name several people I would really like to know better...there is something about their online presence that really grabs my attention - speaks to my heart. So it seems that a wonderful adventure would be to just arrange a road trip to get to know these FB friends.

Part of my new lifestyle habits are to always consider deeply what keeps coming to my attention. This is one of those ideas...I think I'd better get my car serviced and start lining up some quality time with my newfound friends. After all, you know there isn't much that I like better than a good road trip, and a grand adventure!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Today is Only Today

Whenever I feel like things aren't moving fast enough, I only have to remember how things were just a short time ago. Life is moving at exactly the speed it is supposed to go. Impatience is just an illusion, completion is just an illusion, success is just an illusion. Today is only today. It is all we have to work with. How do you spend each of your today's?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Compassion and Courage

I have much to be thankful for this holiday season. Far more of my life is in good order than not, but still I have my moments of doubt, disappointment and sadness. The holidays actually intensify these feelings for me. Sometimes I am gripped by sadness as I look back over the years…this sense is with me today, but does not fit in today’s world. Where, then to put it? I know it is momentary and will pass. I know there is not much intellectual logic in my feelings, but still it sits in my heart…this heaviness.

I am so thankful that the years of yore are past and are no longer a part of my daily reality. I recognize that the holidays are rife with triggers that dredge up these old wounds. Wounds that have healed over and are no longer inflamed.

I feel guilty having this sadness, not only at this time of year but also in the midst of such lovely abundance that I call my life. The holidays should be for joy, but I know all too well that they do not bring joy to everyone. I know all too well that we are not to display our pain at this time of year which adds even more to the feelings of brokenness and loneliness. If you are feeling the wounds of your past, know that you are not alone. Know that we all have a moment or two of pause, of sadness, of regret. This too is what the holidays bring. I wish you understanding and compassion in every moment of your life. Lacking that, I wish you strength and courage to be who you are and step boldly into tomorrow.  

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Happy New Year November 30th!

Have you ever tried to enter cold water one toe at a time? It's not very fun or encouraging is it? Sometimes the best thing that you can do is just 'jump in'! But for those of us who have lived with our breaks on for most of our lives it is too easy to talk ourselves out of drastic moves.

Almost a year ago, I jumped and jumped big. I left Northern California where I had lived for twenty some-odd years back to sunny Southern California. It was frightening and exhilarating at the same time and I was so empowered by my courage and resolve.

I realize now, that I relocated like one-toe-at-a-time getting into cold water....A year ago I immediately found a small little studio to live and establish my base....I justified that I wasn't really sure where I wanted to live and felt the need to be 'in transition'. I always knew that this tiny studio, as charming as it's been, would not suit my needs forever.

After I returned from my wonderful adventure in New York, I knew that I did, indeed, want to stay in this area, and that I also wanted a more grounded, permanent feel to my life. Serendipity came to visit just before Thanksgiving.

My little haven lost its power and I was couch surfing for almost a week. That might have been OK if I hadn't just returned from almost three weeks on the road. Emotionally and energetically I really needed a home base to recharge and I wasn't getting it.

Having time on my hands I was roaming around my area and discovered this amazing condo that seemed to have my name written all over it. Yes, I signed on it and will be moving in shortly. The shift that happened within almost felt like "Ahhh, I'm home, I'm here, I belong." Without realizing it, I was yearning for a more grounded existence. Instinctively I knew that that is what would enable me to continue adventuring outward. To continue to expand my world of adventure.

Without everything falling into place at once, (desperate to be home after traveling, losing power and not being able to be home, all at the right time the condo was on the market) life would have taken on a different color. Right now I feel energized and excited about what tomorrow will's a new year a month early!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Home At Last

I love to travel...that's no secret. Traveling can be difficult, but manageable if you're an introvert...and if you've been following this blog, that's no secret. I have overcome some significant blocks to living the traveling life I love and over the course of time I will share the in's and out's of my journey on this blog.

But for now, coming home is an adventure in and of itself. I'm enjoying getting back to the routines I had forgotten I had. I awoke at sunrise to my first view of the Rock in two weeks...I had a cup my yummy French Press coffee (Turkish blend brought back from NY)...My bed and bathtub felt special and new to me last night...My beloved laptop that works with lightening speed is a wonderful reconnection (hello old friend).

So good to be home, but I must admit, I'm already wondering what my next adventure will be. I need to stay in and around California until after the holidays, but I'm so centrally located that just about anywhere is possible...any suggestions? Would love to hear from you.
Zan Packard - The Adventrous Introvert

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Homeward Bound (For a While!)

I am not ready to leave New York and all the exciting adventures it offers, but I am so ready to be home! Don’t know if that makes sense or not, but there it is in a nutshell.

I am, however, thinking about my next adventure. I’m so into foods, that I am currently thinking along the lines of what flavors I’m hungry for. L.A. certainly has Olvera Street and all it’s wonderful Mexican cuisine, but San Francisco has the eastern palates…Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese etc., then again, there’s Seattle and all its wonderful fish and fusion….not sure what my next adventure will be...but isn’t that an adventure in itself?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What's In Your Rulebook?

As we grow up, in order to make sense of our world we develop rules about life. For most of us, our rules were created by our three-year-old self, or our five-year-old self, etc., and we’ve toted these rules diligently into adulthood, sometimes unrevised. Really? Maybe that's why so many adults seem so childish at times (lol). Are you still living your life according to your three-year-old self?
If you're an introvert, it's a good bet that you've created a lot of rules about life...introverts really love to figure things out and will spend time going deeper within to come up with answers...but think about it: how much information does a three-year-old have to begin with?

Is it time to review your rulebook? Which of your rules work in your favor and which rules limit you? It’s your life…today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make sure you are armed with the current rule book that speaks to who you are today.

From The Adventurous Introvert....challenging and revising my rules each day as I learn to explore and step into the  life of my dreams.

Friday, November 13, 2009

No Guilt For Me!

I received an email from a friend that has been following my New York adventure. The comment was something like "Go for it, you can always sleep when you get home". Hah, spoken like a true extrovert.

Made me a happy to be in charge of my own energy. That is precisely the attitude that I used to buy in to when I traveled. After all, traveling is a once in a life time experience, how can you justify not getting the most from the opportunity?

What I would find, in the past, was that over time I would become so depleted that I enjoyed very little of what I was doing and seeing. Extroverts can manage their energy in this environment...after all, they get their energy from people. But an introvert simply must recharge by spending time alone, in their mind.

It's hard to say no to all the activites that can come with traveling, but by saying no at the right time, I'm able to, not only do more, but enjoy all that I am doing. This adventure has been managed according to my energy...and I am enjoying all that comes my way. For once, I have no guilt about taking what I need from the experience.

I am an is an innate trait. I have learned to manage my needs so that I can embrace life to its fullest-on my terms, even if that means withdrawing for a moment to catch my breath.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Great Equalizer

When I travel, I’m a foodie. It’s the great equalizer…everyone eats; everyone has their favorite food; and everyone seems to have a great story to tell about a food adventure. If you’re traveling alone somewhere, just ask a stranger about where to find great food: Nine times out of ten you’ll get a passionate response.

I’ll bet you’ve even told a great story about food too. Think about any place you’ve visited (so nice to be inside your head for a moment, isn’t it?). Chances are you have a food association with it. Chances are the memory gives you great pleasure-even if the food experience was bad.

Food is primal. It connects us to our fellow human beings. It’s the great equalizer and can generate easy conversation and not once venture into small talk…you know how much we hate small talk.

My challenge to you is to pretend you are new to town. Approach a stranger (be wise) and ask them where you can find your favorite type of food. Hint: asking someone in the grocery isle of your favorite food is a sure bet—if someone cooks it, they probably know where you can find it dining out too. That could be a very energetic exchange for the introvert for a couple of reasons. One, it’s information exchange and two, you are tapping into someone’s positive energy flow which will likely increase yours as well. Could be a great adventure…From The Adventurous Introvert, Bon Appétit.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Energy Game

Sitting on the edge of the sidewalk in The Village, he painted on vinyl LPs. Painted horrible, twisted images. I watched him work as his head bounced to the music coming from the boom box sitting near his elbow. People walked by, some slowing to look, but most pointedly looking away. He did not notice them. But as I passed, be looked up from his work and made eye contact. I don’t know what it meant, but it made me think. It made me wonder about this young man and the horrible images that he called art. I enjoyed that moment immensely. That’s what I love about people—watching them, looking for a glimpse inside their minds to understand them. I love people, just not necessarily interacting with them.

I know that extroverts get their energy from interaction, but as an introvert, interaction saps my energy. But the joy of being in the middle of a place like a busy city sidewalk is truly enjoyable. Interaction is not expected, nor even desired. I suppose that it is being able to watch and wonder about what you’re seeing that amuses me. I can’t help but go off on an imaginative trek when I see an unusual person. The beauty is I can spend as much time with them – in my mind – that I want without the concern of actual interaction. Spending time in ones mind is energizing isn’t it?

So, dear introverts, my challenge to you is to sit and people watch for a moment. When you spy an intriguing character, let your imagination go wild as you create their reality. Why are they there? What is on their mind? What are their plans for the day? Go as tame or as bizarre as you’d like…it’s your energy game, and you’ll find it’s a bit recharging for you as well.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Balancing Act

I hit a wall today. I craved a slower pace, less food and much more solitude. Not because I don’t enjoy the people and activities, but because I haven’t had enough time inside my own head with my own thoughts…an introvert’s necessity. With so much to see and do, it’s hard to resist the urge to cram it all in and just go non-stop.

And I almost fell for it. But I know what will happen if I do. If I don’t listen to my body’s request to recharge, I will soon become the irritable and unapproachable lady hanging back on the fringes of activity, or (even worse) I will succumb to catching a cold—talk about enforced R and R!

Since I’m not here to hang back from the whirlwind of activity, nor to be sick, I wisely took an afternoon for myself…I went outside and absorbed the sun’s warmth on my skin, drank in the sounds of the birds busily competing for crumbs and just soaked in the quiet, rejuvenating energy of this beautiful area.

No, I’m not in the city…and thus recharging came easier for me here. However, curiosity leads me to imagine myself in the middle of Greenwich Village. Could I find a way to recharge amid the onslaught of the big-city energy? Yes, I think so. Any time I can spend time inside my own head to think my own thoughts without interruption is a time I am recharging.

Recharging for introverts means going within…often time solitude assists that process, but we can go within under just about any circumstances. It’s best to find a place to sit with perhaps an interesting book to read, definitely a cup of tea…all those nurturing little things that facilitate the recharging process. For me, today, I needed a minor recharge which I choose to do now, rather than let my batteries deplete completely. I have had a wonderful day filled with introspection and I am truly ready to get back out into the excitement of new sights, sounds, smells and tastes…another day of excitement is waiting for this Adventurous Introvert.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Powerball Anyone?

I bought a Powerball ticket today. The highway billboard said it was up to $80 million, and I realized that you can't win if you don't play...kind of like life isn't it? It felt good to do something so spontaneous (after all I had to exit the freeway and buy one in Conneticut before we crossed in to New York state). That simple little action made me think about what I would do if I actually that was a fun adventure, just a one dollar investment gave me the freedom to dream $80 million dollars worth. What adventure have you invested in today?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day One of My Adventure

Today was a day for exploring various parts of Rye, New York. The air was crisp and the trees were hanging on to their last colorful leaves. The area is beautiful to a nature-lover like me. It is, of course, very different than California, but I couldn't help but notice all the similarities to home and wondered why that seemed significant to me.  I certainly loved the similarities (maybe my introvert's need for my comfort zone?), but I think I'll try and look at the area with an eye to the differences and see how that feels.

It's good to be aware of how we are viewing our lives...what filters we are using, and since this trip is specifically all about adventure, I'm very in tune with my thoughts and feelings. So tomorrow I will continue my exploration and shift my attention to the differences...wonder how the day will unfold?

Similarities or differences, I am totally aware of being fully alive, and that is the adventure I came for.

Monday, November 2, 2009

12 Hours To Take Off

I'm pretty excited. In a good way, not in an anxious way. I just had a dinner of eggs and toast and green tea. I'm following expert's advice to help lessen the effects of jet lag: keep away from caffiene, alcohol, and salt. Now I'm going to run a nice hot bath and soak to relax and, hopefully, get a good night's sleep-or any sleep at all.

I must admit that I am really surprised at  how ready I feel. All my preplanning on packing and getting the house ready to leave really paid off. My to do list just kept getting shorter and shorter and I am now simply relaxing rather than running around throwing something, anything, into a suitcase. I like this method soooo much better than past trips. I think it's all about understanding my optimum environment and methods and sticking with them. I'm not exhausted before I begin....looking forward to tomorrow morning at 7.

Sunrise Moonset Over the Ocean

What a beautiful sight to wakeup to...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What's In Your Backyard?

On a whim, a friend and I decided to explore my neighborhood...only differently: up the hill rather than down. What I found was an adventure of beauty and inspiration. Minutes from my home was a trail that began in scrub oaks and Pines and continued up a hillside to its very peak. Each switchback offered a view more breathtaking than the last. The top provided a 360 degree view of this amazing central coastline I live in. I couldn't believe that this was the first time I had explored it.

Making that shift from everyday activities to new adventures allowed me to experience a beauty that should never be missed. I wondered how many of us go about our days doing what we always do and therefore missing out on something special?
What's in your backyard that you haven't given attention to? A new nook or corner? A new way of doing the same-ole-things? A new 'lens' with which to view your world? Adventure is an attitude. It requires little time or's all in how you look at the world. What can you do today, right now, that would take you out of the ordinary and into the adventurous new? What are you waiting for, it's your life, live it now!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Count Down to NYC

My big adventure to New York is almost here. I am beginning to feel the excitement and the anticipation. I am also beginning to feel overwhelmed and I'm starting to have those first moments of discomfort that precede an emotional 'shut down' (the introverts survial technique for sensory overload).
The good news is that I recognize all the sensations in my body as a natural and predictable part of being an introvert.  I know from the start that I will be quite nervous as I begin my adventure--it's not a bad thing, it just is. Here are some strategies that I am using to manage the sensations coursing through my body right now:
  • Recognize them for what they are without judgement--then let them go
  • Allow plenty of opportunity to retreat to solitude to re-egergize and destress
  • Get plenty exercise (walking, hiking and kayaking are my favorite energizers).
  • Eat healthy...cut down or eliminate sugars and gluten products
  • Keep a check-off list to visually assure myself that everything is manageable (visuals are a huge benefit for me!)
  • Keep a New York Folder of all my thoughts, plans, itenerary, etc., to take with me.
The most important thing to do, right now, is to keep visual reminders and constantly acknowledge that my sensory overload is a natural part of being 'me' organizing my thoughts and plans in advance (well before the anxiety kicks in) I can trust that I am ready and I can simply ride out the discomfort. Here's to the next adventure of many...stay tuned to this blog for updates.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Get Out of Your Mind, and Into Your Body

Do you pride yourself in your ablitiy to think yourselves out of, or in to certain situations. The intellect is a great tool. But when you get a feeling in your body that something is wrong or off...that is NOT the time to analyze it intellectually. Your body is the great communicator...when you 'feel' something, you are tapped in to your intuition. Don't ignore it...listen and honor what your body is telling you. If you are getting the message that something is not as it are right. If you are getting the message that you should be doing are right. Learn to listen to your body and follow its advice. It's not only OK to lose your mind, it's preferable!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Defining Adventure

Quick, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say the word adventure? Sky diving? Sailing the South Seas? Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro? To be sure, those are all adventures. But what about the adventure in your own back yard? Ever see kids being adventurous? They’ve got the right idea…they don’t self-limit their imagination. 

Adventure can simply be a sense of doing something different. I weekend traveled near to home recently, to Big Sur, with the intention of making it an adventure. The idea was to stop at any and all places that looked interesting along the route.  There were no plans on where to stay, what to see, where to eat. The adventure was to fully take advantage of what came our way.

Imagine a honey bee meandering across a field of wild flowers, buzzing from flower to flower going from point A to point B (no pun intended). If you close your eyes, you can probably see the swirling, flowing, ‘s’ shaped line of its path. Now imagine a billiard table with just the cue ball and the 8-ball remaining. With a resounding ‘crack’ the 8-ball travels diagonally across the green felt to drop neatly into the corner pocket. Very directed, very purpose driven, very accomplished. No stops along the way…no sight seeing…just get the job done, “game over”…“rack ‘em up.” It’s a great way to accomplish things, but not a great way to experience things.

Well on this weekend adventure I was a honey bee. I meandered. I stopped and smelled the roses (at times, literally). It was enjoyable and I came away with a sense of having experienced the beauty of the wild coastline that is known as Big Sur. I stopped to let my breath be taken away by the beauty of the waves crashing on the massive rocks below. As the sun set, I mentally said good-bye to one thing I was ready to let go of, and opened my heart to receive something new. I stopped to marvel at the full moon rising in the barely-turned-night sky, and to greet it again in the early morning hours as I walked back from the restaurant generously supplied with coffee and heavy drinking mugs.

Everything took on a new meaning. I left no corner un-viewed, no vista un-visited, no soaring bird un-hailed. I was not satisfied with getting there and back…I reveled in the joy of experiencing all the weekend had to offer. And the sense of adventure was palpable…I loved feeling free. Remember ‘free’ is one of my core values…and this released a sense of freedom that truly set my spirit soaring. I didn’t just have an experience, I was the experience.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Introversion Is Not a Disease

There are mulitudes of us out there. Getting our energy from within rather than from without. Some people begin to unravel when isolated from interaction with others for too long. Introverts begin to unravel when denied enough alone time to regroup and re-energize.
We are not broken or defective just because we need a lot of alone time. Yet many of us have felt defective in our lives. We didn't belong. We didn't enjoy the same things that our peers did. We never quite 'fit'.

Once the introvert begins to accept their uniqueness--their wants, needs and desires; their strengths and challenges--then they will have the ability to design their lives so that they do fit. So that they do function perfectly in an extroverted world.

If you are an introvert: you are not broken. You are perfect as you are and quite possibly have more to give than most as you think and feel on a much deeper level. Your strengths lie in understanding how things work from within...not just the outward appearance. You know things that others cannot know. You feel things that others cannot feel. You have a great gift to give the world. Be sure to attend to your needs so that you will always be ready to share your gifts.