
Friday, October 16, 2009

Introversion Is Not a Disease

There are mulitudes of us out there. Getting our energy from within rather than from without. Some people begin to unravel when isolated from interaction with others for too long. Introverts begin to unravel when denied enough alone time to regroup and re-energize.
We are not broken or defective just because we need a lot of alone time. Yet many of us have felt defective in our lives. We didn't belong. We didn't enjoy the same things that our peers did. We never quite 'fit'.

Once the introvert begins to accept their uniqueness--their wants, needs and desires; their strengths and challenges--then they will have the ability to design their lives so that they do fit. So that they do function perfectly in an extroverted world.

If you are an introvert: you are not broken. You are perfect as you are and quite possibly have more to give than most as you think and feel on a much deeper level. Your strengths lie in understanding how things work from within...not just the outward appearance. You know things that others cannot know. You feel things that others cannot feel. You have a great gift to give the world. Be sure to attend to your needs so that you will always be ready to share your gifts.

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