
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Risky Business

A good adventure gives just enough risk to get your juices going and makes you glad you stepped up to the challenge. You want to be energized by your adventure - you want to say "Wow...what a ride! Let's do it again!" 

Learning to risk safely is important will keep you moving into your discomfort instead of away from it. If you find yourself saying "Holy cow, I'm glad I survived and I'm never doing that again!" It could be more about finding your perfect adventure - on your terms....and less about adventuring itself.

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER compare your adventure to someone else's - NEVER, NEVER, NEVER compare your ability to adventure with someone else's. Find your perfect adventure and stick with it until you need to change it up...if you keep moving into adventure, there's little chance that you'll stay in one place for long.

You can, of course, learn more about finding your perfect adventure on your terms by visiting my website Loving the Adventure there's even a free teleclass you don't want to miss that will help you "Find Out What's Really Stopping Your From Being Adventurous (It's Not What You Think)"....check it out, it may be the next step to risking safely.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

What Are You Grateful For?

It’s two days before Christmas and I have just a few (fun) things left to do – yes, I’ll have to brave the crowds at Trader Joes, but since we’ve been given a break in our torrential rains for a few days, I’m looking forward to getting out.

This year I’m spending Christmas Eve with a very special, long-time friend. When we found out a few weeks ago that neither of us would have our kids home for the holidays – a first for both of us – we decided to create an adult Christmas Eve together (after all friends are the family you choose, right?)

So we’ll be starting with a few adventures in the kitchen. I’ll make a wicked Cioppino and my friend is planning a decadent dessert - and of course something 'toasty' by the fireplace. I love it when I get a chance to create something new and special in the kitchen. My long-time readers know that I have a very adventurous spirit around food – both eating and preparing.

But I think what’s really going to make the evening is when we create our 2010 gratitude lists – and we’re going to get very creative with this. We will write down everything that has happened to us this year that we are grateful for. I’m still playing with ideas, but think mine will be in either booklet form or turn into a poster ‘masterpiece’ to hang on my walls – there’s nothing more beautiful than gratitude!! I might even share a photo of the finished product.

Just thinking about this evening gets my juices flowing – imagine this:
  • Long-time close friends
  • Hearty food delights lovingly prepared
  • Capped off with a grateful walk down memory lane

Can’t you just feel the energy in the air?

Merry Christmas everyone – may you have a holiday filled with good food, love and gratitude too.