
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer Time and the Livin' is Easy

Little snippets of big fun have been a blast—a few hours here and there of excitement mixed with down time for writing, visiting or walking; an introvert’s dream vacation. Lots to do and experience, but it isn’t non-stop and exhausting.

Went sailing yesterday…God how I love the wind in my face, racing across the water boat keeling slightly as we picked up wind in our sails. If you know anything about me and water, you know I was in heaven….but it got better than that because on the distance I could see the skyline of Manhattan—that gave me an incredible rush. I’m always so blown away by how prominent the city is and how close all-things-natural are. It really is the best of both worlds here.

There is little more exciting than being invited into someone’s home for an evening of fun. Local color took on new meaning at Zarela Martinez’ home. There was an array of Mexican folk art everywhere you look—even the hidden mural at the back of the garden captivated ones imagination.

The night was a fund raiser for the Food Is Art movement that Zarela is part of and she sponsored the magnificent cooking of Susana Trilling of Oaxaca. Such an array of taste delights as each new botana (snack) came out of the kitchen.

As I mingled with the guests we swapped stories of our respective hometowns—most were from the East coast, but several were from Mexico and of course, there was me, the lone Californian. I met several guests that have visited my beloved Central Coast, so we chatted eagerly about the beauty of the area and the raw magnificence of the Pacific Ocean. Wild West is a befitting title for this area of the coast.

Playland Park is a touristy place filled with history and adventure where one can feel the presence of a time long ago. The boardwalks are rotting into huge splinters that threaten to slice open bare feet. The beaches are segregated into expensive beach and poor beach—I couldn’t see much difference in the people or the quality of the area, but one is definitely more pricey than the other. Coming from California, the idea of paying to find one’s place in the sun seems foreign but I’m told it pretty much a given in this area…. And there was the nations oldest amusement park complete with roller coasters and midways to spend ones money and dream of winning the big prize.

There are swans everywhere you look—again common-place for the Rye folk, but a visual surprise for me. This guy was swimming around with his foot angled over his back that convinced me it was damaged…I felt so sorry for the beautiful bird as he drifted and bobbed in the water. A Canadian Goose came along and goosed him which brought the swan standing on the rocks with both feet (faker) flapping his wings to re-establish his place in his little micro habitat.

I’ve found that mixing the excitement of the city with the serenity of nature is giving me a blend of adventure with enough downtime that I am completely ready for the next exciting thing to do…this afternoon will be spent in Toloache’s (251 W 50th Street) as we watch the world cup and root for Mexico…can you imagine how the place will explode if Mexico wins? 


  1. Dear Zan;
    Thanks for the lovely photos and comments but I must clarify something. The event is not a fund raiser. We simply charge a fee to cover the expenses which are many: ingredients, transportation, service (the biggest expense) and other beverages and extraneous expenses.

    Food is Art is about giving chefs, scholars, farmers a placeg to showcase their talents and for members and other lovers of Mexican food and culture to learn more about our culture.

  2. Zarela, thank you for the clarification; an excellent distinction for the showcase of food and talent that Food is Art providing. Again, the evening will be one I will always remember with great fondness.
