
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Do You Have a "Do Not Disturb" Sign?

 Overheard: “I just want a day where no one comes over. Nothing is planned, and I don’t even have to answer the phone.” Spoken like a true introvert. Many of you have mentioned that your need for a day to yourself is something you crave. Me too, sometimes so much so that I physically ache when I don’t get it. The really odd thing is that most days I only have a small amount of distractions, or other-than-me stuff. Why does it seem to derail my momentum when I have to do something other than what I want to focus on? You would think that a time-out for an hour or two could be easily taken in stride.

Could it be that I am so much on the edge of overload that simply attending to life’s little necessities teeters me closer to falling off? Or is this just the way things are? Me not wanting to focus on anything other than …well, me? Am I doomed to living in solitude to avoid interruptions? Alone but not lonely? Maybe, but I still think it’s a matter of managing my energies.  

Knowing that interruptions will cause me stress when I’m in my creative zone shouldn’t require not having interruptions or worse, not getting creative…Coulda, woulda, shoulda…it’s just what I deal with. Some days more so than others, but I’m learning not to place judgment on the way I deal with life’s little interruptions…sometimes they just suck.


  1. Zan, I wish I had an answer for this as well. I am the same way. Exactly.

    This week I have been on call for jury duty and have been physically ill waiting each day to know if I have to go in the next day. When I've found out I'm not called, I am filled with relief. My time is my own, another day.

    I wish I understood why. For now I am just accepting of it. I do wish that I would have a bit more flexibility.

  2. Olivia, I have found, (as it sounds like you have too) that the first step for me was recognizing my behavior pattern when faced with interruptions. The next step might involve changing the behavior...but I'm with you, No answers at this time...I just roll with it as best I can.
