
Monday, July 5, 2010

Vulnerability is Freedom

Any artistic endeavor demands a piece of your soul; a bit of blood from your heart. This is something that most artists accept about themselves…we create because we must. It’s who we are, it’s how we breathe. Without unleashing our creativity we die.

How interesting that I have chosen to focus on introversion. This is my own path and continued journey, and perhaps one that only another introvert can understand. But as I bleed on the pages, I wonder who is reading this and what thoughts I have prompted them to explore?….well, you know introverts, we aren’t very open with sharing our thoughts. Can’t do small talk worth a damn, don’t want to share deeply with people we don’t even know….and yet here I am writing personal stories for all to see.


It’s been a blessing to me, this blood-letting. To get rid of the demons that I always felt were knocking at my door—God forbid I open it. Yet on this particular path that I'm on, I've discovered that there are no demons worth fearing….it’s light and expansive through that open door. The unknown is not a demon but a friend.

All I know is that sharing my most personal journey continues to be one of the greatest healing, uplifting, and empowering things I’ve ever done. I’d love to hear from you because it validates me, but honestly? I do this for me. It’s no longer a choice or a luxury…it’s the only way I can travel right now, and I am soaring …blessings from the edge.


  1. such open thoughts shared deserve a response and that is you seem to be reaching your purpose which gives me pause to acknowledge such

  2. Thank you for your comments, they are most appreciated...and yes, I truly feel that I am reaching my purpose...maybe that's the aliveness I feel. Maybe it's not the city at all!! Hmmm, more great food for thought!
