
Friday, February 19, 2010

Life In a Traffic Circle

We have a traffic circle in my small beach town.  It’s either humorous or irritating depending on how your day is going, but it’s rarely dull. Yesterday it reminded me of a metaphor for life. Some people get in and out with the greatest of ease. Others seem to get stuck in the inner lane and don’t know how to exit. Some will make it to the outer lane but get so confused that they stop at all exits, not sure really what to do next. And then there are people who can’t even get into the circle because they’re always waiting for the right time…the safe time.

In my life I want to be able to get into and out of situations with the greatest of ease. I want to explore all exits and see where they take me. I want to navigate cautiously around others with less resolve and perhaps entice them to follow my path for a little while.

My Adventurous Introvert self won’t allow me to travel with the crowd.  Am a loner, yet I love people. I need quiet and serenity, yet I crave adventure. I will seek places both innermost and outermost, but adventure I will. Next week I will begin taking Facebook from Virtual to Reality. I will be armed with laptop, GPS and cameras, both still and video, and I will begin sharing my adventures through the eyes of an introvert.

I hope you follow along as I connect with my new friends and experience their town through their eyes. I’ll be creating as I go as I’m never sure what I’m doing until I’ve done it. Just like my traffic circle, it will never be dull. Adventure is an attitude, create a new one each day.

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