
Friday, February 12, 2010


Just what is it about flirting that is so fun? The other night my friend and I were having dinner at a little bistro in town. The place had that continental flair—all dark and cozy, a handful of tables for two, crystal chandelier hanging in the center of the room while candles glowed on each table. It was an absolutely charming place to have a quiet meal and visit for a while.

There were two guys dining at the table next to ours and the place was so small, we couldn’t help but overhear their conversation. Growing hops. Now you’ve got to admit, there’s a conversation you don’t hear everywhere. You hear talk of wine, food, travel, work, relationships, but hops? Never.

Now it’s not my style to interrupt or impose myself on the conversations of others, but here we were, two single women out on the town and there they were two (presumably) single men sharing an interesting conversation over a cheese board and beer. Yes, there was a little flirting going on too.

As we left, my friend and I commented on how great flirting makes you feel and wondered why don’t we do it more often? Well, I don’t know about you, but it’s not a natural thing for me to do. It feels forced. I just don't have that easy-going, relaxed, flirty personality. I think I come across as too serious most of the time. But there it is…that ‘too’ word. Maybe I’ll just give it a try a few more times. After all, flirting is fun. Besides, you can be serious and have fun at the same time, right? It's just like adventure--it's simply an attitude, and a fun one at that!

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