
Monday, August 23, 2010

Truly Great Friends

I’m always so amazed at how people come in and out of my life. There is a saying that speaks of people coming to you for a reason, a season or a lifetime that really explains the flow quite nicely.

Being an introvert, I don’t make friends with ease, and once they are a friend, they remain so for life. But what exactly, defines friendship? That is where I have erred in the past. I have mistakenly let some people into my life as a ‘friend’, when in reality they were just there for a reason or a season; No less likeable or necessary to my happiness, but transient none-the-less.

When these people move out of your life it can hurt. But keeping them close to you at any cost would cause its own type of wound, so sometimes the most graceful thing we can do is to let them go.

I have new acquaintances appearing all the time and I love that about life. But I also have acquaintances disappearing too. I’ve had to learn that not everyone has a permanent place to stay in my heart forever. It’s these individuals that I have to cherish for being there for a reason – some a season, but never a lifetime. They have brought me a precious gift – even if it hurts.

I read somewhere that we are lucky to have three people to call true friends. I am blessed to have more than that. I am truly blessed with amazing friends and exciting acquaintances and I love them all for however long I can have them in my life.

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