
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Herding Kayakers is a Lot Like Herding Cats

There was quite a large crowd gathered for the local New Years Day paddle. Happy, excited people swarmed the beach getting their gear ready to launch. As usual, my friend and I were the first ones to arrive and be ready to go. Patience has never been my virtue so waiting for such a large crowd to coalesce was, at first, a challenge. However, I could feel the pure joy in the air as they laughed and chattered away amongst themselves, happy to be with others who shared their passion for the water.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize there were more that a few extroverts among us. Oh, not all were chatting away excitedly, but enough were to set the tone for the group. Group pictures were demanded in only the way an extrovert can. No one, including me, wanted to dampen the energy and enthusiasm that was displayed.  

Since I was still nursing my aching back, I decided not to follow the group across the harbor out to the back bay. I was more than a little concerned that my back couldn’t endure the tides or wind (or both) and I would need to call it a day. So off I went on my own route, by myself, while the group happily paddled into the brand new day.

Understanding my introversion really helped me see the situation for what it was. Everyone was getting every last drop of fun and energy from the day. The extroverts were energizing by having fun being with people. This introvert was energizing by having fun alone. It turned out to be a lovely day. The conditions were serene and glassy…quiet except for the cries of the gulls and the barks of the sea lions. This was just the kind of day that fills my heart with gratitude and joy. I could not have asked for a better way to start the new decade.


  1. I can totally relate to that, in my case it's mountainbing. I actually opted out of this years new years ride. I actually regret missing it but it was 20-30 degrees out.

    The good thing about mountain biking is, at least in my case(I am a bit out of shape) is that you end up being by yourself. If your not alone your either to busy trying to keep up or keep ahead.

    Then there is the pre ride and post ride where the social aspect kicks in.

  2. You make an interesting point Nick, and one that I experienced in the New Years Paddle..."the good thing is you end up being by yourself"...spoken like a true introvert. Depending on the energy of the group, and where my own energies lie, I enjoy the pre and post socialization too.
