
Monday, January 18, 2010

Define Boring!

I’m not boring and I’ll bet you aren’t either. But if you’re an introvert you’ve probably had an extrovert or two take shots at your ideas of fun.

I was recently watching a seminar describing the differences between introverts and extroverts. The speaker asked for audience participation and wanted them to describe their idea of a perfect day. As you can guess, the introverts mostly described quiet, solitary, relaxing activities while the extroverts usually described action packed, people oriented activities. As the speaker paused and was grasping for words to explain the introvert’s activities, someone blurted out “Boring!”

That’s it isn’t it? Extroverts think we are boring as hell? Most extroverts would find us really interesting and quite funny if they would just pause long enough for us to catch our breath and collect our thoughts. My introvert friends know this about me. My extrovert friends…wait…do I have any extrovert friends? Maybe not. Maybe I’ve reached a point where I’m just tired of hearing that I need to loosen up more, I need to have more fun, and come out of my shell, join the party. Maybe I’m just tired of trying to talk over their non-stop chatter to convince them that I’m pretty darned happy the way I am, thank-you-very-much. I'm anything but boring, I've got a party going on in my head all the time, and it's fun in there!

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