
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Friends I've Never Met!

For some time I've been dreaming of an adventure involving my new Facebook friends. Wouldn't it be fun to go and visit as many friends as I can? The friends I'm talking about are the new ones that I've developed strictly through Facebook - and I can tell you from my heart that they feel like really good friends to me. We have communicated via status updates, comments, private messages, personal e-mails and Skype. I often find myself referring to a 'friend' that is strictly a Facebook friend...part of me is a bit chagrined at that, but the other part of me really feels the true friend connection with these special people.

So my curiosity asks, how much of our core personality comes through in our status updates? I think mine have been genuine and authentic, and I think the many that I have connected with have been too. So maybe, just maybe, a grand adventure would be to travel to as many cities and locales that I can and just spend some quality time visiting...face to face.

I can name several people I would really like to know better...there is something about their online presence that really grabs my attention - speaks to my heart. So it seems that a wonderful adventure would be to just arrange a road trip to get to know these FB friends.

Part of my new lifestyle habits are to always consider deeply what keeps coming to my attention. This is one of those ideas...I think I'd better get my car serviced and start lining up some quality time with my newfound friends. After all, you know there isn't much that I like better than a good road trip, and a grand adventure!!

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