
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Journal Prompt: FALL

Fall is the season that I wait for, I live for, I love for. This is my time of year . . .  and I’ll tell you why: fall brings with it my favorite feelings – excitement, anticipation, energy, comfort, letting-go, and just plain joy.
It doesn't matter much why I feel this way about Fall or why I feel differently about other seasons. To me what matters most is that I know ahead of time when my optimum time of year is (and conversely when my most challenging time of year is). Armed with this information I can plan accordingly.
Last year, I forgot, and planned the final stages of my first coloring book during a time of year when I am my most vulnerable. Silly me, what a struggle that turned out to me. I still got my work done – albeit a week late -  but I was a basket case every single step of the way. NEVER AGAIN. This year my next book is scheduled to print by November 1st and joy of all joys, it came in 1 week ahead of schedule….and even more importantly, I really enjoyed the process.
If you are not aware of the natural rhythms of your inner workings, I would suggest that you begin to keep a calendar of general feelings. Begin now, using a simple month-at-a-glance calendar and write a ONE WORD feeling on each day – at the end of the year you will have a fairly graphic representation of your rhythms. (Instead of Month-at-a-Glance, you'll have Mood-at-a-Glance - how powerful is that?)
We all have natural ebbs and flows of our energy and emotions – knowing when they are is the first step to setting yourself up for success - the first step of taking control of your life.
For me, I know I can pack a lot into the Fall season. My energy and emotions can handle the most at this time of year. And that is exactly what I’m planning to do this year – my next book is due to be in print by November 1st and I’m heading out on adventure…
“Start spreading the news, I’m leaving today (not), I want to be a part of it, New York, New York…”
New York and Pennsylvania are on my itinerary this year….I’m planning and preparing for a glorious time – 'cuz it’s my time of year.

Friday, October 12, 2012

I'm Feeling the Urge to List

Dear Wild Hearts,
Every year about this time I begin to plot out the remaining months with to-do lists, and this year will be no different, but I also feel the urge to begin to think of how I want next year to unfold.
I am happiest when I am working toward a goal, which I admit makes living in the ‘now’ a challenge…but not undoable. I have discovered little ways to take a Here-and-Now Break in each and every day. (Theoretically . . . I’m still working on that when I am on deadline).
Lately, my Here-and-Now Breaks are more about taking a moment and offering up gratitude for the abundance that is currently in my life. I do this because it’s so easy to lose sight of what you have while your focus is on where you’re going….but I’m learning more and more about the unique ways that my mind works with these issues.
But back to my lists….
I begin this morning with a focus of how I want to feel in 2013. I start with feelings rather than actions because that way I am not locked into any one particular way to accomplish it.
Happy - Sounds like a no-brainer, but I need constant reminding. You see I am happy most of the time, I just forget to acknowledge it, so I don’t feel it as much as I’d like to.
Emotional freedom - Which most of the time plays out as not letting fear define me: a ‘Let Go, Let God’ process.
Thoughtful - I could do so, so much better at this – and I will place this forefront just to get in the practice of it.
Flexible - I put this one on my list with a bit of trepidation….be careful what you wish for because the Universe will find a way to give it to you…and how do you practice being flexible except with opportunities that call for flexibility – oh my.
So for now,  this is a good place to start….in a few days I will make a few other lists – maybe a things I’ve always want to try….Oooh, that could be very fun, because you know what happens when you put something down in writing don’t you? It usually finds a way to happen. (fist pump ‘Yessss’).

Monday, January 10, 2011

Beyond our wildest dreams...

Our greatest fear is not that we will fail. Our greatest fear is that we will succeed beyond our wildest dreams. Sounds a bit off doesn’t it? But it’s not. Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art puts it in perfect perspective:

“This is the most terrifying prospect a human being can face because it ejects him at one go (he imagines) from all the tribal inclusions his psyche is wired for and has been for fifty million years.”

On a recent road trip with a first-class, A-number-one, primo friend, I was beginning to find the words to express my current state of being: things that used to fit (psychically) no longer were fitting….I seemed to be out growing my...well, everything.

I’ve been wrestling with these thoughts for some weeks – Is it me? Is it them? Will anything ever be enough? Why can’t I be satisfied with what I have? Am I running away from me? You might know this way of thinking too – I find it’s pretty common.

When I read Pressfield’s words I knew instantly. My environment hadn’t changed – it was still the cozy, warm, welcoming, breath-of-fresh-air place that drew me to it two years ago. No, I was the one who changed.

Two years ago I needed to be precisely here because here was where I began to live in my bliss – I began to take risks and push on the edges of my security. I began to open up my world to see the possibilities and the vastness of it all. I began to experience being alive.  

I certainly flourished from my current surroundings. I love it still – but it is not enough. I am ready to play on a different field and to do so means I leave behind my tribal inclusions and must go find another tribe.

I have found my next landing spot. I will be moving to San Francisco in April. I will be auditioning at many tribes to find a new place to grow and evolve. I am beyond excited to embark on this adventure. Oh, yeah….I’m scared to death too – isn’t that great?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Risky Business

A good adventure gives just enough risk to get your juices going and makes you glad you stepped up to the challenge. You want to be energized by your adventure - you want to say "Wow...what a ride! Let's do it again!" 

Learning to risk safely is important will keep you moving into your discomfort instead of away from it. If you find yourself saying "Holy cow, I'm glad I survived and I'm never doing that again!" It could be more about finding your perfect adventure - on your terms....and less about adventuring itself.

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER compare your adventure to someone else's - NEVER, NEVER, NEVER compare your ability to adventure with someone else's. Find your perfect adventure and stick with it until you need to change it up...if you keep moving into adventure, there's little chance that you'll stay in one place for long.

You can, of course, learn more about finding your perfect adventure on your terms by visiting my website Loving the Adventure there's even a free teleclass you don't want to miss that will help you "Find Out What's Really Stopping Your From Being Adventurous (It's Not What You Think)"....check it out, it may be the next step to risking safely.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

What Are You Grateful For?

It’s two days before Christmas and I have just a few (fun) things left to do – yes, I’ll have to brave the crowds at Trader Joes, but since we’ve been given a break in our torrential rains for a few days, I’m looking forward to getting out.

This year I’m spending Christmas Eve with a very special, long-time friend. When we found out a few weeks ago that neither of us would have our kids home for the holidays – a first for both of us – we decided to create an adult Christmas Eve together (after all friends are the family you choose, right?)

So we’ll be starting with a few adventures in the kitchen. I’ll make a wicked Cioppino and my friend is planning a decadent dessert - and of course something 'toasty' by the fireplace. I love it when I get a chance to create something new and special in the kitchen. My long-time readers know that I have a very adventurous spirit around food – both eating and preparing.

But I think what’s really going to make the evening is when we create our 2010 gratitude lists – and we’re going to get very creative with this. We will write down everything that has happened to us this year that we are grateful for. I’m still playing with ideas, but think mine will be in either booklet form or turn into a poster ‘masterpiece’ to hang on my walls – there’s nothing more beautiful than gratitude!! I might even share a photo of the finished product.

Just thinking about this evening gets my juices flowing – imagine this:
  • Long-time close friends
  • Hearty food delights lovingly prepared
  • Capped off with a grateful walk down memory lane

Can’t you just feel the energy in the air?

Merry Christmas everyone – may you have a holiday filled with good food, love and gratitude too. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Can You Build Your Plane While Flying?

Today I have waves of melancholy and excitement coursing through me.  I have to say that the wisdom about letting go to make room for something new and better is true, but not always easy, because we sometimes need to let go before we’re ready (or certainly think we are).

I am sitting here preparing to let go officially and to move into new territory and I’m filled with emotion. My heart tells me it’s good and it’s time, but my mind still wants to hang on for a moment longer secure in the status quo, but I know that status quo is my warden, my jailor. I know that I only live free if I listen to my inner spirit and face toward the new, the unexpected and, yes, the scary.

I was talking to a friend last night about how we (as humans) often hang on to something until we ruin it. I know that to be true as I’ve done that too many times before….I am much faster now at recognizing when it’s time and to begin to psychologically prepare myself.

I know exactly what my next focus is, the hard part is that it can be done anywhere in the world. For me it’s not about location, location, location. It’s about adventure, adventure, adventure.

So what I’m doing next is crystal clear. Where I’m doing it isn’t…. I’ll be cleaning out and calling Goodwill in preparation. I trust that an opportunity will show itself soon and I’ll just know it’s right, as I’ve always known, and I’ll jump into that adventure too.

It’s funny, I used to say, ‘leap and the net will appear’….now I’m going to build my plane as I fly it. If you know exactly what I mean, then be sure you sign up for email alerts with each new post from this blog – you won’t want to miss a single story.

I’ll always take you along with me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Year of Living Adventurously

I’m extremely thankful for the life I’ve had, and I’m equally filled with gratitude for the life ahead of me.

I cannot believe it’s been barely over a year since I’ve been actively focusing on my adventurous side….my adventurous spirit and I stepping into the discomfort of the unknown with eyes wide open, ready to experience life on a higher level; At first steeled only with resolve, then later comfortably embracing the discomfort that represents risks and living well.

With each new adventure comes a richer, deeper more expanded way of life. Gone are the days of feeling shut down and shut out of my own life. Gone is the overwhelm of day to day living (coping, if truth be told), gone is wondering where I belong and who I’m supposed to play with.

Today my life is filled with not only a heightened adventurous spirit, but loving relationships that mirror that – full of joy, and yes, adventure too – especially adventure. Not leading nor following, but walking side by side as we experience the world on this new, higher, more committed level.

I am finding more and more people who resonate with my desires and who want to play with me – people who are willing to invest in life in the ways that are important to our continued growth. Juicy, voluptuous, passionate, messy, flat-out-no-holds-barred at times, full of feeling; People who lean into fear and the unknown with grace and energy – my people.

I’m home even on the most exciting adventure because it is my life…my wonderful, adventurous life. Thank you all who have joined me, encouraged me and loved my journey. To this introvert it has been nothing short of amazing.